Zoltan Nagy, a.k.a. From P60, hails from Hungary. He met electronic music in the beginning of the 90ʼs, influenced by Simon Angel. He became a DJ at the age of 16, playing house and drumʼnʼbass. When he was 20 he met the members of a formation called Le Garage who taught him how to produce music. After four years of working and learning his first EP was released by Rhythmic NYC in New York, followed by 2 EPʼs on King Street Sounds. His music has been licensed to different compilation and his works with Forteba were released by Plastic City. His first album ‘Realize’ as From P60 has been released in 2009 on Irma, with co-labs from popolar American vocalist Todd Williams and Hungarian singer Virag Keszthelyi, popular thanks to her work with Lushlife Project (Mole Listening Pearls) and Gero. On this new Ep ‘Hurts’ atmospheres merge with sophisticated electronic sounds, with the addition of amazing downtempo tunes, with a stunning result!
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